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Weird Inventions Infomercials

Brandon Crowder

Updated: Jul 23, 2022

This speaking activity takes roughly two days of class to complete. In this activity, students are given a picture of a weird invention, and then they must create an advertisement in the typical American infomercial format. I begin by showing a video example to serve as a model. Only the first few minutes of the video below is necessary:

After showing students a few examples, I then explain a basic formula for creating an infomercial:

1. Problem (often begins with a question)

2. Ideal solution(s)

3. Problem with the solution (difficult or undesirable)

4. Why our product is a better solution

Next, I show them a simple example of this formula:

1. You want to lose weight.

2. You could go to the gym everyday.

3. The gym is expensive and time-consuming.

4. You can do it at home with our exercise machine.

After explaining to the students the activity, I put them in pairs. Before class, I print out pictures of various weird inventions. Each group is given one, then students work to prepare their own two-minute infomercial. Here, they should use their creativity to prepare an interesting and engaging infomercial, having the examples and formula as guides. Once students have their infomercials prepared and memorized, they perform the informercials in front of the class.

Below are the pictures and the slideshow I created that includes the formula, an example, and video links:


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