To practice indefinite pronouns, I wrote halves of indefinite pronouns on index cards. I wrote "any," "every," "some," and "no" on four cards in one color, and on three other index cards, I wrote "one," "thing," and "where" in another color. These halves combine to form 12 indefinite pronouns: anyone, anything, anywhere, everyone, everything, everywhere, someone, something, somewhere, no one, nothing, and nowhere. I gave a copy of all seven cards to teams of students. Then, I projected sentences, one for each round, with the indefinite pronouns missing. Students had to combine two halves in order to form the correct indefinite pronouns and send a team member to the front. Once a member from each team was at the front with their cards, I checked their cards and then awarded points to the teams that formed the correct indefinite pronoun. To make things more interesting, a time limit may be added to each round.
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