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Looks Like. . . Makes Me. . .

Brandon Crowder

Here, I want to explain two quick and easy activities that I designed for Spanish students in their fourth year of primary education. First, they were learning how to construct sentences with the phrases "looks like," "smells like," "sounds like," "feels like," and "tastes like." I designed a presentation in which each slide contained these phrases and two pictures. Calling on random students, I asked each one to make a sentence comparing the pictures using the correct phrase. For example, on one slide, I had a picture of a strawberry and a picture of a smoothie. This prompted the student to say "This smoothie tastes like strawberries." The full slideshow is below.

The second activity was designed to help these students practice the structure of "__________ makes me [feel] __________." The first blank represents the subject, and the second blank represents any emotion/feeling. First, I asked students to name me emotions/feelings. I wrote their answers on the whiteboard. Then, I asked students to come up, one at a time, and draw a card. Beforehand, I made a stack of index cards; on each card I wrote a random subject, such as summer, English class, horror films, and ice cream. After drawing a card, the student had to verbally make a sentence about how that subject makes him or her feel. For example, if the student drew the card with "summer" written on it, he or she could have said, "Summer makes me happy." The emotions/feelings written on the whiteboard helps to remind students on what options they have.


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