This activity can be done either as a speaking or a writing. The idea is that students are assigned three or four photos, and they must create a story that somehow connects the pictures. To make the activity entertaining, it is good to include photos that are strange or funny. One could present many photos to the students and instruct them to choose only three or four. I also allow them to order the photos however they'd like in their story. Below is a slideshow I used with photos for the students to choose from. I labelled five photos with the letters A–E and told students to choose four in any order they'd like (i.e., ABCD, DCBE, CAED).
Once students are finished, their writings may be read in class or simply turned in. Or this can be just a speaking where students must only write notes and then later tell their stories in front of class. Furthermore, this activity could be adapted to practice target vocabulary that the students are learning at the time. For example, the teacher may instruct them that they must [correctly] use the vocabulary in their stories.