For this Halloween activity, students create a poster or small booklet of the recipe of a witch's potion. They should use their creativity in this. The main idea is to choose what kind of power they want their potion to have (i.e., love, invisibility, strength) and then create a recipe for the potion to be prepared in a witch's cauldron. These potions usually have creepy ingredients, such as fingers, eyeballs, and spiders. The teacher may give students several examples of these ingredients to get students on the right track. Furthermore, the teacher may review essential vocabulary related to cooking with the students. Then, the students should invent their potions, choosing the ingredients and creating steps for preparation. The teacher may need to dictate the minimum number of ingredients and steps they should have. Students may also include a section to describe the potion's effects and the instructions for taking the potion. Finally, students may take the time to decorate their final work with colors, pictures, etc. Students may work individually or in pairs. Below is an example of this project from a teenage student with an intermediate level of English:
Halloween: Witch's Potion Activity
Updated: Jul 23, 2022