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Teaching Materials


This is the digital worksheet that students used to insert their topics, titles, cover photos, introductions (biographies), and thoughts on blogs/vlogs they found online for inspiration in their topic areas.

With this presentation, I introduced the students to blogging and vlogging, utilizing my personal experience. This particular lesson focused more on vlogs and how they are made. I showed students the thumbnail of an example of a vlog. The thumbnail is the cover photo that appears on the screen of a video before it starts. I used the thumbnail of the vlog to allow students to predict what the vlog is about based only on the picture. Then, we watched a clip of the vlog. Click here for the link to the video; the portion used in the lesson starts at 4:52 and ends at 9:35. After watching the video, I led a class discussion to answer basic comprehension questions and compare students' predictions with what actually happened in the vlog. Finally, I asked the students to name one of their passions to be the topic for their own blog/vlog.

This presentation focused more on blogs. I used a post from my own blog as an example to show the format of writing blogs, including the casual/conversational style of writing. After reading the post in class, I led a discussion to check basic comprehension. After this lesson, the teacher and I checked students progress with their own blogs/vlogs and instructed them to create an outline/script to organize their ideas before making their final creations.

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